Archive for the ‘Blog’ category

Think “Think”!

Think!I observe that the Norwegian car adventure Think is finally getting wind in its sails and some publicity abroad. Think got a long feature article on this week. The saga of Think is a tale of a good idea and good technology meeting nervous Norwegian venture capital, of Ford stepping in with big bucks just to lose faith a year later even though it had produced more than a thousand vehicles. After that it has been bought and sold twice and is currently owned by Norwegian investors again (uh-oh!). And they’ve finally announced they’re going to sell cars again, after years of development.

This is the link to CNN:

Company website:

Go Think!

Facelift complete

Hi, and welcome to a new and better Laurelindon. I abandoned the old look – it was a blind alley and I simply could not make it look good. I’ve been studying Web 2.0 extensively lately and hopefully, and I’ve tried to follow the Web 2.0 design tips and guidelines.

Also, the photo albums have been given a complete facelift, which in my opinion looks much classier. I have also rewritten the PHP architecture to make it more robust and efficient, as well as to add some features. All information is now stored in XML rather than in a propietary txt format. The biggest innovation, however, is the introduction of a thumbnail view for each album.

So this is what I’ve spent my summer holiday doing :P It’s pretty sad, isn’t it? I have no life, I fully admit. Anyways, hope you enjoy the changes, there’s a lot of hard work behind them. I’m aware that there are still bugs and glitches, but I don’t believe they should impair your experience.


Øyvind and a river

My brother Øyvind in front of a raging torrent of water trying to go through a too-narrow channel.

The legendarily rainy summer of 2007 created a lot of water, all of which had to go somewhere. These cascades have been dammed and the water is used for electricity production (no, different cascades than the ones in previous post). The cascades are normally dry at high summer – except for this year.


Hey everyone, this website is currently undergoing a rather dramatic facelife. While the userinterface may be scrambled sometimes, hopefully the architecture behind it will still work.

The King of Barbeque

Rain, rain, rain…..the summer of 2007 rained away. It rained near as every day, and not just a little shower, but a steady downpour….Not that a little rain deters my dad from barbecuing :P This picture neatly sums up both my dad and the summer, in a nutshell :P

(In case you wonder, no, the picture is not a fake, he’s making baked potatoes. They’re under the grid.)