– new blog!

I have a new blog for posts on social, political and environmental issues. You can head over to to read my thoughts. will remain, but will become purely a photo blog where I showcase my best and most interesting photography work.


Snapshot of Torvald from Downsizing


Downsizing poster
Downsizing poster

Now 100% more movie star! In 2017, I made my debut on the silver screen with my role in the science fiction movie Downsizing, made by Oscar-winning director Alexander Payne and starring Matt Damon. Never in a million lives would I have thought that I would once be in a major motion picture! It was the experience of a lifetime. I had the exquisite joy and honour to play the engineer/scientist Torvald, who introduces Matt Damon, Christoff Waltz, Hong Chau and the inestimable Swedish actress Margareta Petterson to a doomsday vault in Norway. The attached picture is from that scene, occurring towards the end of the movie. Check out my IMDB page (though there’s not really anything there…).

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Commerce Court

Commerce Court

The most glorious ceiling in all of Toronto is — where else? — in a bank. Commerce Court was built in 1931 as the HQ for the Canadian Bank of Commerce, now CIBC.

The Canada 150 tulip

The Canada 150 tulip

For Canada’s 150th anniversary in 2017, the government commissioned a new tulip. The red is meant to look like a maple leaf, and you can kinda see it.

Tipping points in the Arctic

When the summer melting season ended in 2007, the icecap floating in the ocean over the North Pole had shrunk to its smallest size ever recorded. According to satellite data, the remaining summer sea ice measured almost forty per cent less than the average for the period of 1979 to 2000. More than one-and-a-half million square kilometres that had been covered with ice the year before was open ocean. The event was a serious confirmation that had been suspected for a while in the scientific community: that the Earth may be prone to abrupt climate change and tipping points. The new science of non-linear change is challenging our notions of what climate change is and when it will occur—and it is utterly alarming.

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A blur of colours

A blur of colours

Are you dizzy yet? Effect achieved by zooming in from 18mm to approx 100mm and pressing the shutter simultaneously. The shutter speed was 1/50s, at f/3.5 ISO 100.